For those who had dental implants, there was no existing system to record the implant information, therefore, leaving a gap within the industry. The founder of the Dental Implant Registry worked closely with Codium to develop a system that would aid dental practitioners in keeping accurate records of the implants and parts used for their patient.
Customers can provide consent to storing and sharing their patient file with different dental practitioners via the portal granting them access to their file in case of emergencies such as being overseas and having implant complications.
Patients can elect to have details regarding their implant stored on the portal. so in the event there is a fault with dental implant parts, the registry can easily identify which patients may be affected.
We implemented the following technology stack.
Built-in Vue.js as a single page application, this enables us to create a fast user experience without page reloads and greater flexibility as the system evolves over time.
The backend is built in Laravel & MySQL with an API focused interface so both the web and mobile apps can use the same endpoints reducing additional development.
Our continuous integration systems allow us to test new app builds and update the production site quickly and easily so we can release as often as required.
Amazon’s Elastic Container Service allows us to separate our services in separate containers within a cluster that can be spun up and down quickly and effortlessly.
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